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  • How do I register for the Grand Parade?
    Go to the Forms page and click on Parade Registration for the entry form or click here.
  • How do I register for the Miss Lewiston or L'il Miss Lewiston Pageant?
    Go the Forms page and click on Pageant Entry Form or click here.
  • How do I become a sponsor for this event?
    Go to the Sponsors page and click on Become a Sponsor. Sponsorship forms were due on March 15. If you submit a donation after this date, we cannot guarantee you will receive all the sponsorship benefits as described in our Sponsorship Program.
  • How do I become a Food Vendor for this event?
    Go to the Forms page and click on Food Vendor Contract. All requests are subject to final approval by the Heartland Days Committee. We do not like to duplicate foods in our vendor selection.
  • How do I enter the button contest?
    The 2020 button contest has been completed. Look for more information about the 2021 button contest in January 2021.
  • How do I become a vendor at the Craft Show?
    Go to the Forms page and click on Craft Vendor Registration for more information.
  • What does a Heartland Days button get me into?
    Most events are free with a button. Money raised from button sales goes directly to support the Heartland Days festival. See the Events page for a complete listing.
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